Displays at the entry to the Department
If you want to display materials on the screen at the entry, you will have to send the prepared content to operatorzy@mimuw.edu.pl
- Graphics should be prepared as follows:
- Rescale the graphic to 3x FullHD resolution, i.e., 1920x3240;
- Then the graphic has to be rescaled again, to FullHD resolution, i.e., 1920x1080. The image will look like a flattened image (see below), but ultimately the screens will scale it to make it look right.
- The file can be sent in the following formats: png, jpg, tiff, gif, mp4.
- The content should be sent at least two working days before the scheduled display.
- You will be informed by e-mail about the acceptance or notes on the content.
- We ask you to specify in what period you want the poster to be displayed.